Expand Recovery Options

Connections within specific 12-step communities in counties show strength. In several counties, strong treatment court systems help to build supportive relationships with and between individuals receiving treatment, officials of the court system, and in some cases, CRSs. Some SCAs, Case Managers, and CRSs working for SCAs establish and maintain strong connections with individuals receiving services. Overall, these connections are fragmented. Building platforms for connection within and between these stakeholder groups will provide a stronger system of care and a base to build the other priorities in this plan.

Goal Identified

During the coming year, the Recovery Hub Team for Region 8 will work to expand recovery connections across the region by engaging and building bridges between recovering communities, SCAs, providers of treatment services, and payors for the region. The goal for this period is to strengthen and expand existing connections among the stakeholder groups by establishing platforms for connection, in person and virtually, in order for them to connect, learn from each other, and build up recovery support.